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Read What Our Customers Have To Tell You About BizarreDesigns

BizarreDesigns.com offers a variety of services including but not limited to website designing, web development and digital marketing services to promote businesses online. By engaging BizarreDesigns for your project, it is considered that you have gone through the terms and conditions and agreeing with the same, as mentioned below -

1. We will use information provided by clients, on their behalf, with numerous third party sites to increase their online visibility. The information shared will be mostly contact details, address and business name, but any other information might be needed by any 3rd party site may also be shared, if not found confidential in nature. Client should mark any information confidential if it's confidentiality can be mis-understood at different occassions.

2. Any content developed or work done for client will be copyrighted to the client only and will not be used or shared with any other party, unless client instructs for the same.

3. BizarreDesigns works on advance payment method. If payments are not realised within 10 days of invoice date or within 7 of starting the project, whichever is later, project and all related activities may be paused.

4. BizarreDesigns will not indulge into any spamming or blackhat techniques. If any phishing activities are spotted on behalf of Bizarredesigns, the same should be brought to notice by sending email at sales@bizarredesigns.com. An immediate action will be taken after investigating the case.

5. We do not undertake offesive, abusive, illegal or anti-social projects. BizarreDesigns has right to decline requests to undertake such tasks, which team considers inappropriate, without providing any reasons

6. All credit card payments attract an additional 3% fees. All payments are accepted including any eligible taxes.

7. Project agreement can be terminated by either parties with a 30 days notice.

8. All clients indemnify and hold harmless BizarreDesigns against all costs, damages or liabilities arising due to any activities conducted on client website/s or any digital assets. The same indemnification is extented to acts on your part constituting the violation of any copyright, trade secret, trade mark, service mark, patent, invention, proprietary information or nondisclosure rights of any third party. To the full extent of the law, you will pay any expenses or damages to Bizarre Designs resulting from claims made by third parties with regard to usage of material you have provided, even after termination of our Agreement.

9. You acknowledge and agree that Bizarredesigns or any team members on behalf of Bizarredesigns is claiming or guaranteeing any kind of achievements or results for any of the activities conducted, in the form of website traffic, clicks, sales, enquiries, etc.

10. Neither you nor Bizarre Designs will be in breach of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions of Service (other than obligation to pay monies due) in the event that, for cause(s) beyond reasonable control, each party is unable to perform, in whole or in part, any one or more of its obligations. Such causes will include, but not be limited to governmental regulation, fire or other causality, inability to obtain materials or services, technical failure or difficulties, problems or interruptions of the internet, or any other cause not within the reasonable control of either party.

11. Any disputes are to be resolved amicably or will be directed to the jurisdiction of courts in Delhi.