Privacy Policy

At Bizarredesigns, we respect everyone's privacy and have a policy in place.

1. We may collect information that helps us connect with you in future for tasks, including but not limited to - promotions, information sharing, follow-ups and day to day communication.

2. We collect data from clients, as much is required to complete the project to client's satisfaction. Any extra data received intentionally or otherwise, is not used for any purposes, without intimating the client about the purpose, outcome and intention.

3. All information will be collected by asking from client or appointed representative/s, or via the digital assets' access provided by client.

4. All reasonable precautions are taken to prevent unauthorised access to any information provided by client or that belongs to client.

5. Our website may collect some collect some information via "cookies" to provide you better experience on our website.

6. We do not disclose or misuse any information collected from client by sharing it with anyone outside BizarreDesigns. If at any time, we are required to do the same, to carry out committed tasks effectively, it shall be done with client's consent.

7. We may provide some general information to third parties - for example, traffic visiting our website or filling a form, or website usage pattern, but we will not use any information that could share any identity.

8. Any changes to policy will be updated on this page. Visitors should check back this page for any changes.

9. For any queries or feedback, please drop an email at with subject "Query about Privacy Policy on". We shall reply back within 48 hours during working days.